How To Plant Weed Seeds

It may take a few “trial and error” instances before you get the hang of growing weed seeds. Every grower eventually finds their own path and preferred method. All it takes it time! Of course, first, you need to buy marijuana seeds in Sacramento. That’s Step One. Once your weed seeds arrive in the mail, you can start thinking about building a lovely home for them.

Popular THC Marijuana Strains

Maui Wowie Feminized

Plushberry FeminizedMaui Wowie FeminizedGreen Crack Feminized
THC Level20%19%24%
Flowering Time55-65 days60-70 days50-60 days

Buy Marijuana Seeds In Sacramento

Did you know that Growers Choice delivers to Sacramento? It’s no secret that California is packed with weed-lovers and marijuana-enthusiasts, so we made it easier than ever to have seeds brought straight to your home in less than two weeks!


Marijuana Laws In Sacramento

If you’ve lived in Sacramento long enough, you probably remember the exact moment recreational marijuana became legalized state-wide. Now, the whole west coast has loose marijuana laws where both recreational and medical use is totally legal! Celebrate by getting some seeds today.

Why Do People Grow Marijuana?

People grow marijuana for many reasons — especially in a place like Sacramento where medical and recreational marijuana is legal. California, overall, has friendly marijuana laws that enable growers to keep their own plants at home. These are just some of the reasons people love growing weed…

  • Marijuana plants smell good
  • Marijuana plants provide $200 worth of weed
  • Marijuana plants make a great Instagram post
  • Marijuana plants are cost-effective

How Long Does Seed Germination Take?

With our high-quality marijuana seeds, germination should happen in a flash! Okay, fine, more like 3-5 days. The important thing to note when you buy marijuana seeds in Sacramento is that you cannot rush the germination process. Each marijuana strain has its own way and timeframe of germinating. But in most cases, it happens in less than a week.

Okay, I haven't tried all that many seed banks in my life, but I know what I'm looking for when it comes to this type of business, and Pacific Seed Bank has it all! Fast shipping, friendly customer service, and quality seeds that have never let me down.
Jackson F., Sacramento, California