How weed affects men vs. women

How Weed Affects Men vs. Women

We’ve all read the weed reviews. They talk about how long it took for the effects to kick in, how long they lasted, what they were, and whether there were any less-than-savory side effects. Often, marijuana reviews vary widely for the same strain. There are many reasons for this, from genetics to mental health, from […]

Biggest Mistakes

The Biggest Mistakes You’re Making With Your Seeds

If you’re a marijuana user, you’ve probably wondered how long you can keep your weed. In fact, you may be reading this article because you’re looking for tips on proper storage. Well, you’re in the right place. These are the biggest mistakes you’re making when it comes to caring for and storing your marijuana seeds.

History of Marijuana

The History of Marijuana and Its Origin Story

It all started with a single seed. That seed grew into a plant and eventually made its way around the world, growing in popularity as decades went by. Researchers say the history of marijuana has been around since the Viking and Ancient China days—but where exactly did it come from? And how did it spread […]