It’s about time we normalize weed. Come on, it’s 2021 and practically everyone is reaping the health benefits of marijuana, whether with CBD alone or with the psychoactive THC. We can find marijuana in many forms these days too, from gummies to chips to infused water in addition to weed flower, tinctures, and topicals. Keep reading to find out how YOU can help normalize weed once and for all and remove the cultural stigma.

Normalize Weed

Normalize weed for the economy

Due to the economic impact of COVID-19, further and further state governors find themselves at a crossroads: legalize weed or suffer the financial consequences. COVID-19 proved to be more than a health crisis…it remains an economical one as well with so many of us out of a job. Experts say that one of the best ways to avoid a recession is to legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use. After all, states could benefit from marijuana income now more than ever.

Call it by a different name

Lingual experts suggest we should give marijuana a proper name and use its scientific one when talking with others. Nicknames like “pot” and “weed” sound less than; slightly more unprofessional and legitimate. If we want marijuana use to be taken seriously, let’s agree to call it by its grown-up name—no more “ganja” or “Mary Jane.” Imagine if you had to explain to your boss that you partake for medical reasons.

Normalize Weed

Educate younger generations

It’s true what they say: kids are the future. They will set the tone for years to come in all areas of life: politics, religion, health, education, etc. If we want to normalize weed and make the world a better place, it starts with the education of the younger generations. Teach your kids about marijuana, including all the pros and cons so they have a well-rounded outlook rather than a biased one. And maybe, once your child turns 18 and expresses interest in marijuana use, you can be the first one to smoke with them. 

Avoid the stereotypes

Forget what you’ve seen on TV or in movies, the effects of marijuana come with valuable effects other than lounging on the couch all day with the munchies—not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not the full picture. Those unfamiliar with marijuana may think that it makes users lazy, unmotivated, and lethargic…but that’s not entirely true! Some marijuana strains provide the exact opposite effects with elevated energy, creativity, and motivation. Don’t let your friends and family fall for the media stereotypes.

Normalize Weed

Vote, vote, vote

Do you want to live in a more cannabis-friendly America? Or Canada? Or Brazil? If so, you need to vote! And vote consistently year after year! The man or woman you vote into office may hold the key to future marijuana laws and regulations. They have the power to legalize cannabis from all angles. With Biden currently in-office, we may have a good chance of federal legalization—especially due to the COVID financial crisis.

Haven’t we normalized weed yet?

How do we know when we’ve reached our goal of normalizing weed? At what point do we see the light at the end of the tunnel? In part, yes, we have done a fair amount of work over the years to normalize cannabis…but more work must be done! These are some signs that we’re making progress.

  1. Cannabis tax money goes to help schools
  2. Cannabis-themed weddings become more common
  3. Cities host cannabis-crawls for tourists
  4. People meet each other on cannabis dating apps
  5. Multiple states legalize cannabis this year

That last factor is key. One of the best and most influential ways to normalize weed stems from state-wide laws. Please, please, please: no more jail time for people caught with marijuana in their pockets or in their vehicles. Lawmakers must decriminalize cannabis as the first crucial step and then follow through with laws that keep underage citizens out of jail.

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